Bizfone Pro

$34.95 / month and a $35.00 sign-up fee

Bizfone Pro

For 1 to 9 Lines or Extensions

Bizfone Pro is a Unified Communications as a Service (UCaaS) product. The UCaaS standard is fast becoming the norm in business and personal communications.  Bizfone Pro includes all standard PBX services on as many phone numbers and/or extensions as you want, plus video calls, video conferences, chat, file transfer, FAX, SMS (coming soon), and other services for one price. Our UCaaS is ideal for small to mid-sized companies, gig workers, self-employed, local merchants, and even individuals.  Get an entire business phone system on your cell phone, laptop, or PC (or all 3).

Subscribe to the service below. After you subscribe, you’ll need to complete an information and PBX/UCaaS service form. If you don’t already have an account, your first payment will trigger provisioning of your account. Many payments are credited to your account within 4 to 6 hours, but please allow up to 24 hours for your account balance to be updated.

IMPORTANT:  Indicate the number of phone lines (or extensions) you want below. We’ll contact you within one business day to arrange the provisioning of your service. Your service can be used exclusively in the cloud from any PC, laptop or cell phone. You can also use new or existing VoIP/SIP phones. Your credit/debit card or PayPal statement may indicate payment to Ranking Trainer-Voifone-RTECH or similar company names, all of which are divisions of the same parent corporation (Voifone Carrier, Inc.). Payment indicates agreement to terms.

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